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gaps left by The Essence of Christianity. Translated by Ralph Manheim. Harper & Row, Publishers. New York, Evanston, and London, 1967.Graves, Robert: The Greek Myths: In Two Volumes. Penguin Books Limited. Middlesex, England, 1960. Reprinted 1981.

  • Holman, J.K.: Wagner's 'Ring'  A Listener's Companion & Concordance. Amadeus Press. Portland, Oregon, 1996.

  • Levi-Strauss, Claude:

  1. The Raw and the Cooked - Introduction to a Science of Mythology. Volume I. Translated from the French by John and Doreen Weightman. Harper ColophonBooks - Harper & Row, Publishers. New York, 1975. Originally published in French by Librarie Plon, 1964.

  2. The Naked Man - Introduction to a Science of Mythology.Volume IV. Translated from the French by Jonathan Cape. Harper & Row, Publishers. New York, 1981. Originally published in French by Librarie Plon, 1971.

  • Mann, Thomas: The Sorrows and Grandeur of Richard Wagner. From an anthology of Thomas Mann's writings on Richard Wagner entitled Pro and Contra Wagner. Translated from the German by Allen Blunden. The University of Chicago Press. Chicago and London, 1985. Originally published in German in 1933.

  • Nattiez, Jean-Jacques:

  1. Le Ring Comme Histoire Metaphorique de la Musique (The 'Ring' as a Metaphorical History of Music). A contribution to Wagner in Retrospect. A Centennial Reappraisal. Edited and with an introduction by Leroy R. Shaw, Nancy R. Cirillo, and Marion S. Miller. Amsterdam, 1987. Nattiez presented this paper as a lecture at this conference at the University of Illinois, Chicago Circle, in 11/83.

  2. Wagner Androgyne. A Study in Interpretation. Translated from the French by Stewart Spencer. Princeton University Press. Princeton, NJ, 1993. Original French edition: Wagner Androgyne: Essai sur L'Interpretation. Christian Bourgois Editeur. 1990.

  • Nietzsche, Friedrich:

  1. The Case of Wagner. Translated from the German by Walter Kauffmann.Vintage Books -A Division of Random House. New York, 1967. First published in 1888.

  2. Friedrich Nietzsche Contra Wagner. Translated from the German by Walter Kauffmann. From The Portable Nietzsche. The Viking Press. New York, 1954.

  3. The Will to Power. Translated from the original German by Walter Kauffmann and R.J. Hollingdale. Vintage Books - A division of Random House. New York,1967. This work is a selection made by others from Nietzsche's notebooks dating from 1883 through 1888.

  • Porges, Heinrich: [WWR] Wagner Rehearsing the 'Ring' . Translated from the German by Robert L. Jacobs. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, 1983. Wagner commissioned Porges to record what Wagner said and did during the rehearsals for the Ring premier (June through August 1876), as a permanent record of his intentions.

  • Schopenhauer, Arthur: The World as Will and Representation. Volume II. Translated from the German by E. F. J. Payne. Dover Publications Inc. New York, NY, 1966. Originally published in German in 1844. The First Volume was published in 1819.

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