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The Ring of the Nibelung
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[[#4]] Woglinde’s Lullaby”

Woglinde’s futile effort to keep the world from waking, in order to forestall the "Fall" caused by the evolution of human consciousness. This motif represents the "Ur-Melody," or "Mother-Melody," animal instinct which is the foundation of music

(#4 basis of #128ab and #129ab, while #174abc is a loose inversion; related to #98 as a pentatonic Song of Nature)

"Woglinde:  [[ #4 ]] Weia! Waga! Welter you wave, swirl round the cradle."


[[#5ab]] Alberich's exclamation of woe at being rejected by the Rhinedaughters

(#5 basis of #13, #15, #41, #45, and #161)

"Alberich: [[ #5a ]] "Wehe, [[ #5b ]] ach Wehe! [Woe! Ah, woe!] (#Embryo for #25 and #39:) Has the third one, so true, betrayed me as well?”


[[#6]] Alberich's lurching locomotion in his futile attempt to catch a Rhinedaughter

(#6’s Motival links, if any, not yet ascertained)

([[ 6 ]] His progress repeatedly obstructed, Alberich clambers up to the top of the ledge with goblin-like agility.)


Alberich: [[ #7 ]] Slimily smooth and slippery slate. I can't stop sliding. With my hands and my feet I can't catch or hold those slippery creatures.”


[[#7]] Alberich's Futile Wooing

The futility of Alberich’s attempt to win the love of a Rhinedaughter, representing human consciousness as a stumbling block to feeling

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