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The Ring of the Nibelung
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[[#18ab]] “Renunciation [and Need] of Love”

If we lose our innocence, our love, upon acquiring fully human consciousness, our greatest need is to restore what has been lost.

(#18b basis of #37; #37 seems to influence a large number of subsequent motifs)

[see #17 for #18’s dramatic context]


[[#19ab]] Alberich's “Ring” of World-Power (The Limitless Power of the Human Mind)

Alberich’s forging of the Ring of power, and renunciation of love, represents man’s evolutionary transition from an animal dependent on instinct (the life of feeling) into the fully human being, gifted with that reflective thought which grants him worldly power.

(#19ab based on #17ab, which in turn is based on music characterizing the Rhinedaughters’ joy; basis of #20a; #19's chords basis of #50, #19a basis of #68 and #159; #19a's inversion basis of #51; #19b basis of #46; #19's harmony heavily influences many motifs, particularly under special dramatic circumstances)

"Alberich: (His eyes fixed firmly on the gold, listening attentively to the sisters' chatter: #17>[[ #19 Embryo ]] The world's inheritance might I win through you? Though love can't be gained by force, through cunning might I enforce its delights? (#18)"


[The “Ring Motif” makes its first fully definitive appearance in the transition between R.1 and R.2. Alberich, having cursed love and stolen the Rhinegold, runs off with it into the deep as the Rhinedaughters cry out in despair. We then proceed to the transition between R.1 and R.2:]


“(#18: Gradually the waves turn into clouds, which resolve into a fine mist as an increasingly bright light emerges behind them. [[ #19 ]]>[[ #20a ]] When the mist has completely disappeared from the top of the stage in the form of delicate clouds, an open space on a mountain summit becomes visible in the dawning light. At one side, on a flowery bank, lies Wotan with Fricka at his side. Both are asleep.)”


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