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The Ring of the Nibelung
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[[#54]] Erda's prophecy of the fore-ordained “Twilight of the Gods”

It is fore-ordained by the laws of evolution and history that Alberich’s son Hagen (metaphor for our modern, secular, scientific world-view) will ultimately supplant the mytho-poetic, religious phase of human history, bringing about a figurative twilight of the gods

(#54 approximately based on inversion of #53; related through #53 to #1 and #2, #57b, #71, #77, #88, #92, #95, and perhaps #152)

[See #53 for #54’s dramatic context]



[[#55]] Donner's cry: “Heda! Heda, hedo!”

Donner sweeps the gods’ heavens clear, in order to purify the air of the taint of Wotan’s corrupt machinations and self-deceit in establishing the gods’ self-delusional refuge from truth, Valhalla

(#55 basis of #61, and possibly basis of #84 and #85)

[Fafner has just killed his brother Fasolt in a dispute over the right to possess Alberich’s Ring, shocking the gods, especially Wotan, who has acknowledged he now grasps the power of Alberich’s curse on the Ring:]


Fricka: (nestling up to him, cajolingly: #23) Your thoughts are elsewhere. Does the noble stronghold not beckon you gladly, (#20a modulation or #20b?) awaiting its lord with its welcoming shelter? (#20a>#19?)


Wotan: (#19: Sombrely) With evil wage I paid for the building! (#19)


Donner: A sultry haze hangs in the air; its lowering weight lies heavy upon me. The leaden clouds (#11) I’ll gather into a raging storm; it will sweep the heavens clear.


(Donner climbs on to a rocky promontory overlooking the valley and swings his hammer; during the following, the mists gather around him.)


Donner: [[ #55 ]] Heda! Heda, hedo! To me, you haze! You mists, to me! Donner, your lord, musters his hordes. At the swing of this hammer sweep to me here. [[ #55 ]] Heda! Heda, hedo!

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