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[469W-{49-51 (?)} Notes for ‘Artisthood of the Future’ (unfinished); Sketches and Fragments: PW Vol. VIII, p. 349]

[P. 349] {anti-FEUER} “Only that science which wholly and completely denies itself and concedes all authenticity to nature, consequently avow nothing but the natural necessity, thereby totally disowning and annulling itself as regulator or ordainer, -- only that science is true: so the truth of science begins exactly where its essence ceases and nothing remains but the consciousness of natural necessity. But the representress of this necessity is – art.” [469W-{49-51 (?)} Notes for ‘Artisthood of the Future’ (unfinished); Sketches and Fragments: PW Vol. VIII, p. 349]


[470W-{49-51 (?)} Notes for ‘Artisthood of the Future’ (unfinished); Sketches and Fragments: PW Vol. VIII, p. 350]

[P. 350] {FEUER} “Science is the highest power of the human mind; but the enjoyment of this power is art.” [470W-{49-51 (?)} Notes for ‘Artisthood of the Future’ (unfinished); Sketches and Fragments: PW Vol. VIII, p. 350]


[471W-{49-51 (?)} Notes for ‘Artisthood of the Future’ (unfinished); Sketches and Fragments: PW Vol. VIII, p. 350-351]

[P. 350] {anti-FEUER} “From error sprang science: but the error of the Greek philosophers had not strength enough to slay itself; the great folk’s-error of Christianity first had the prodigious ponderance to slay itself. Here, too, the folk is the determinant force.

{FEUER} (…) Christianity was the offspring of the folk; so long as it remained a purely popular expression, everything in it was sturdily honest and true – a necessary error: instinctively the popular phenomenon [P. 351] forced all the intellect and culture of the graeco-roman world to be converted to it, and only when it thus had grown in turn into an object of intelligence, of science, did the error in it show itself dishonest, hypocritical, as theology … .” [471W-{49-51 (?)} Notes for ‘Artisthood of the Future’ (unfinished); Sketches and Fragments: PW Vol. VIII, p. 350-351]


[472W-{49-51 (?)} Notes for ‘Artisthood of the Future’ (unfinished); Sketches and Fragments: PW Vol. VIII, p. 351]

[P. 351] {FEUER} “What man is to nature, the artwork is to man: all the conditions needful for the existence of man, begat man: man is the product of nature’s unconscious, instinctive begetting, but in him, in his being and life – as a thing different-iated from nature – does consciousness make its first appearance. Just so, when from the instinctive, necessarily-shaping life of men the conditions for the existence of the artwork arise, the artwork also arrives quite of itself, as conscious witness of that life: it arises as soon as it can arise, but then with necessity.” [472W-{49-51 (?)} Notes for ‘Artisthood of the Future’ (unfinished); Sketches and Fragments: PW Vol. VIII, p. 351]


[473W-{49-51 (?)} Notes for ‘Artisthood of the Future’ (unfinished); Sketches and Fragments: PW Vol. VIII, p. 352]

[P. 352] {FEUER} “Man, as he stands confronting nature, is wilful and therefore unfree: from his opposition to, his wilful conflict with her, have issued all his errors (in religion and history): only

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