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The Ring of the Nibelung
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[747W-{2/24/69}Letter to King Ludwig II of Bavaria: SLRW, p. 740]

[P. 740] {FEUER} “If I wanted to tell you more about Siegfried today, I should have to speak of a dark, sublime and awesome dread with which I enter the realm of my third act. We come here, like the Hellenes at the reeking crevice at Delphi, to the nub of the great world tragedy: the world is on the brink of destruction; the god seeks to ensure that the world is reborn, for he himself is the world’s will to become. Everything here is instinct with sublime terror, and can be spoken of only in riddles.” [747W-{2/24/69}Letter to King Ludwig II of Bavaria: SLRW, p. 740]


[748W-{3/3/69}CD Vol. I, p. 68]

[P. 68] {SCHOP} “Three elements serve the species, R. says – Love, in which the species desires to exist; the genius, in which it recognizes itself; and the saint, in whom it destroys the world.” [748W-{3/3/69}CD Vol. I, p. 68]


[749W-{4/6/69}Letter to Ferdinand Leutner: SLRW, p. 748]

[P. 748] “My own view is not that anything can still be done to arrest our present great cultural decline, but that something must be done to force us to see what has happened. Just as the poor political economy of the Poles has led to the country’s wealth falling into the hands of the Jews, so the boundless neglect, nay, the squandering of the German spirit’s cultural capital by German governments has allowed this same capital to be exploited by the selfsame Jews in accordance with entirely similar natural laws. All one can do is admit this: it is no longer possible to fight against it or argue about it. (…) Why should we squabble with our conquerors? It is only ourselves that we have to blame for having caused us to be disinherited.” [749W-{4/6/69}Letter to Ferdinand Leutner: SLRW, p. 748]


[750W-{6/18/69}CD Vol. I, p. 110]

[P. 110] “At lunch, the ungrateful spite of a manservant produces a significant conversation. R. says one needs just as much Christian love to receive kindness as to show it; {FEUER} the subordinate asks himself: why can I also not harbor these feelings, why can I not dispense alms? The unity of all Nature is expressed in the feelings of the poor person: I am a suffering mortal like you, we are equal. And this unconscious instinct for equality in turn creates the insuperable division. Only a saint, who does not dispense alms but turns himself into a poor person, a prisoner, can set this division aside. He says it was Alberich who made him profoundly aware of this mental condition.” [750W-{6/18/69}CD Vol. I, p. 110]


[751W-{7/4/69}CD Vol. I, p. 119]

[P. 119] {FEUER} “… he is still delighted with the picture of Beethoven: ‘That is how he looked, this poor man who gave us back the language men spoke before they had ideas; it was to recover this language of the birds that Man created the divine art. But this is also the reason why a musician such as he is a being for whom there is absolutely no place in society.” [751W-{7/4/69}CD Vol. I, p. 119]

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