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The Valkyrie: Page 330
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encompass what’s never yet come to pass. (#57) – Hear one thing alone! A hero is needed [“Noth thut ein Held”] who, lacking godly protection, breaks loose from the law of the gods: (#21?) thus alone is he fit to perform that feat (#19:) which, needful though it is to the gods [“wie noth sie den Goettern”], the god is forbidden to do (:#19). (#28?)


Fricka: You seek to deceive me with deep-set meaning! What lofty feat could heroes perform that their gods were prevented from doing, whose grace informs their actions alone?


Wotan: You have no heed of their own independence?


Fricka: Who breathed it into humankind? Who lighted the coward’s eyes? Sheltered by you they seem to be strong; spurred on by you, they strive for the light: (#79 orch:) you alone urge them on whom you thus praise to me, the immortal goddess (:#79 orch). With what new guile you seek to gull me, with new devices evade me now: and yet you’ll not win this Waelsung yourself: in him I find only you, for through you alone he defies us.


Wotan: (#65 harmony on horns; #65 voc hint:) In grievous distress (with emotion) he grew up by himself (:#65 orch & voc). (#21?:) My shelter (:#21?) never shielded him.


Fricka: Don’t shelter him today then; take away the sword you bestowed upon him.


Wotan: (#57) The sword?


Fricka: Yes – the sword, the magically mighty, flashing sword which you, a god, gave your son.


Wotan: (vehemently) Siegmund won it himself (with suppressed trembling) in his need [“Noth”]. (from this point onwards, Wotan’s whole demeanor expresses increasing gloom and dejection: [[ #81 ]])


Fricka: (continuing vehemently) [[ #81: ]] You fostered that need [“Noth”] no less than you fashioned the fearsome [“neidliche”] sword: [[ #81 ]] would you deceive me who, day and night,

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