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Siegfried: Page 515
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Of course, we must keep in mind that Nothung represents Wotan’s world-historical longing to restore lost innocence, lost preconsciousness. Siegfried’s curiosity piqued, Mime also offers Siegfried the opportunity to learn what fear is:


Siegfried: Where’s the smith got to? Has he slipped away? (#104:) Hey there, Mime, you coward! Where are you? Where are you hiding?


Mime: (in a feeble voice, from behind the anvil: #48:) My child, is it you? Have you come alone (:#48)?


Siegfried: (laughing) Behind the anvil? – (#104:) Tell me, what were you doing there? Were you honing my sword for me (:#104)?


Mime: (emerging, deeply disturbed and confused) (#48:) The sword! The sword! How might I forge it? – (half to himself: #118:) ‘Only he who never (:#48) (#57) knew fear (#34:) can forge the sword anew (:#118; :#34).’ (#37?:) I’ve grown too wise for work like that (:#37?)!


Siegfried: (forcefully: #104:) Will you answer? Or must I help you (:#104)?


Mime: (as before: #34>>:) Where might I take honest counsel (:#34)? – (#111 or #112?:) I’ve wagered away my wily head (:#111 or #112?): (staring ahead: #92:) forfeit, I’ve lost it to him ‘who never learned the meaning of fear (:#92).’


Siegfried: (impatiently: #104:) Are these evasions? You want to escape me?


Mime: (gradually regaining control of himself) (#34:) Well might I flee from the man who knows fear (:#34): - (#41 duple vari) but that I have failed to teach the child! (#41?) Like a fool, I forgot what’s uniquely good: (#107b:) he was meant to learn to love me; - alas, that went amiss (:#107b)! (#118:) How shall I teach him what fear is (:#118)?


Siegfried: (seizing him: #104:) Hey! Must I help you? What have you furbished today (:#104)?


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