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Siegfried: Page 532
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(Siegfried works with a small hammer, polishing and filing. #41, #124, #117: Mime skips around in a lively manner, with increasing glee.)


Mime: Alberich, too, who once enslaved me, (#33b >>:) I’ll now reduce to dwarfish thrall: as Nibelunglord I’ll light below; (#117 vari:) the whole of his host shall now obey me! – (#124/#123/#41, #117 >>:) the slighted dwarf, how he’ll be honoured! (#123, #124 >> [becoming increasingly fast]) God and hero shall haste to the hoard: (with increasingly animated gestures) the world will bow before my nod, (#123/#41:) it will tremble before my anger (:#117; :#123/#41; :#124)!


(Siegfried flattens the rivets on the hilt with the final blows of his hammer and seizes the sword with both hands.)


Siegfried: (#119:) Nothung! Nothung (:#119)! Envied sword! (#123:) You are hafted once more in your hilt (:#123).


Mime: (#124/#123:; [each of Mime’s following interjections are set to:] #117:) then truly Mime shall toil no more (:#117). (#41)


Siegfried: (#124>>:) though once in twain I forced you together, no blow shall ever break you again (:#124).


Mime: (#123/#124/#41:) For him shall others mine the eternal treasure (:#123/#124/#41).


Siegfried: (#124 >:) The steel sprang apart in the hands of my dying father; his living son (#123:) has made it anew: on him its brilliant sheen now shines (:#124), for him its keen-edged blade cuts cleanly (:#123).


Mime: (#41 shortened >>:) Mime the valiant, Mime is king, (#123 >:) prince of the elves, lord of the universe (:#41 shortened; :#123)!


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