thought, feeling, and action. After his labor in dragging Fafner to lay him over the hoard, Siegfried suffers what can only be described as something akin to heat-stroke, and lies down in the shade of a lime tree to await the next, and in the event the most important, revelation of the Woodbird:
(He snatches up Mime’s body and carries it to the knoll outside the mouth of the cave, #51?; #103/#41 varis [here and in the following passage #103’s rhythm seems to merge with that of #41?] throwing the body down into the cave.)
Siegfried: (#41 & #103 varis: [seem to have the same rhythm here]) In the cave here lie on the hoard! (#51) With obstinate cunning you tried to win it: (#51:) the wondrous hoard is now yours to command (:#41/#103 varis; :#51)! (#41/#103 >>:; #?: [what sounds like a motif on cellos associated elsewhere with love, perhaps first heard in V.1 but later transformed by Mime during his description of Sieglinde’s dying to give Siegfried birth?; is this the music accompanying Siegfried’s “… wages of spite …” above?]) A goodly watchman I’ll give to you, too, to shelter you from thieves.
(#126:; #?: [a phrase expressing Siegfried’s heavy labor, perhaps derived from #126?] With a mighty effort, he rolls the dragon’s body over to the mouth of the cave, so that it blocks off the entrance completely.)
Siegfried: (#48:) So lie there, too, mysterious beast, (#17:) and guard the glistening hoard together with (#17:; #?: [possible reference to the vocal line of Sieglinde’s remark: “Would that our father were home …” from her nightmare about the death of her mother and Sieglinde’s being abducted by the Neidings, just before Siegmund’s death in V.2.5?]) your booty grabbing foe (:#17; :#?): so both of you have now found rest!
(He gazes down into the cave for awhile, thinking, then returns slowly, as though exhausted, to the front of the stage. #126 tympani/#41:; #103 frag:; [[ #176 harmony hint?: ]] He wipes his hand across his forehead.)
Siegfried: (#103:) I’m feeling hot from my heavy burden! (#103 frag?: [which expressed Siegfried’s “labor” in preparing to re-forge, and then re-forging, Nothung, here expressing great