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Twilight of the Gods: Page 757
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[T.P: I]

Bruennhilde and Siegfried now sing their good-byes: Siegfried grants Bruennhilde credit for all the adventures he will now undertake, inspired by her love, and the two of them figuratively exchange identities, so that wherever one is, both are:

Siegfried: (#77 vari:; #150:) Through your virtue alone (#150/#77:) shall I still undertake adventures (:#77 vari; :#150)? (#77) (#77:) Is it you who’ll choose my battles, (#106 voc?: [or some other music from Siegfried’s musings on his mother, who died giving him birth, &/or other music expressing his loneliness from S.2.2-3?]) you to whom all my victories redound (:#106 voc? [or other musical references to Siegfried’s musings on his mother and loneliness from S.2.2-3?])? (#57?:; #148 >>:) Upon your stallion’s back, (#103?:) within the shelter of your shield (:#57?; :#148; :#103?) (#111 definitive:) no more do I think of myself as Siegfried, I am (#77:) Bruennhilde’s arm alone (:#111)! (#150)


Bruennhilde: (#150:) If only Bruennhilde were your soul (:#150)! (#111?)


Siegfried: (#150?:) Through her my (#150:) courage is (#150:) kindled (:#150).


Bruennhilde: (#150:; #111?:) So you yourself would be Siegfried and Bruennhilde (:#150:; :#111?)? (#150 vari?)


Siegfried: (#92 voc?:; #111:) Wherever I am, (#150 vari:) both will be safe. (#111)


Bruennhilde: (animatedly) So my mountain hall is deserted?


Siegfried: United, (#75 or #125 frag?:) it holds us both (:#75 or #125 frag?). (#148)


Bruennhilde: (with great emotion: #111:; #149:) O holy gods, (#149:) hallowed kinsmen (:#149)! (#149:; #voc?: [possible reference to Siegmund’s remark to Sieglinde in V.1.1: “Cooling comfort came from the spring”?]) Feast your eyes (:#voc? [back reference to V.1.1?]) (#63 voc?:) on this

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