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The Ring of the Nibelung
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  • [S.1.3: J] Siegfried has  re-forged  and  refitted Nothung. Siegfried:  (#125) Now you glisten, defiant and  glorious! Slay him who is  false! Though Mime is drunk with anticipation of future power, Siegfried, having recreated Nothung, slices Mime's anvil in half with Nothung.   531-538 


Siegfried: Act Two    539-614

Siegfried: Act Two, Scene One     539-564

[S.2.1] Outside Fafner's lair: Alberich, the Wanderer, and Fafner transformed into a serpent  539-564                                

  • [S.2.1: A] Gloomy Prelude:  (#126) Alberich keeps watch at Fafner’s Envy-Cave, preparing for the day when  he can regain his Ring and its power.   539-540 

  • [S.2.1: B] Alberich: (recognizing Wotan under the Wanderer's disguise) Betake yourself hence! Enough deceit has steeped this spot in suffering  ["Noth"]. Though Alberich is enraged that the Wanderer (Wotan) has come to Envy-Cave, Wotan says: I came to watch, and not to act.   540-545

  • [S.2.1: C] Alberich: I know where you are weak: you dare not break your contract with Fafner to keep the Ring out of my hands.  545-548

  • [S.2.1: D] Alberich: Though you fear I’ll get the Ring and destroy the gods, you imagine your proxy Siegfried can save you.   548-550

  • [S.2.1: E] Wanderer: Take it up with Mime: he alone knows of the Ring. Alberich: You're really uninvolved? You no longer strive for  the hoard? Siegfried I leave  to his own devices: (#127) let him stand or fall on his own! Alberich: With Mime alone I vie for the Ring?  Wanderer: Only you two Nibelungs desire it.  551-555

  • [S.2.1: F] Alberich: Yet I might not win the Ring? Wanderer:  If you warn  Fafner of danger, maybe he'll reward you with his toy [the Ring]. (to Fafner)  Fafner, will you give Alberich the Ring if he saves you from Siegfried? Fafner: (#126) I have and hold! Let me sleep!  555-559

  • [S.2.1: G] Wanderer: (#2) All things follow their nature: you can alter nothing! I leave the field to you and your kind Mime.   559-564


Siegfried: Act Two, Scene Two      565-590

[S.2.2] Outside Fafner's lair: Mime, Siegfried, the Woodbird, and Fafner      565-590 

  • [S.2.2: A] Mime  and Siegfried arrive at Fafner's lair. Mime: We've  reached  the place. Wait here! (#98) This is the only place you’ll learn fear. Mime notes the dangers Fafner presents, but Siegfried is confident of  victory.   565-568 

  • [S.2.2: B] Siegfried: (#71) Has Fafner a heart? Mime: Where everyone’s lies! Do you feel fear now? Siegfried: Get out of my sight!   569-571 

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