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The Ring of the Nibelung
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Twilight of the Gods: Act Two, Scene Two     867-874                                                                  

[T.2.2] Gibichung Hall: Hagen, Siegfried, and Gutrune     867-874                                           

  • [T.2.2: A] Thanks to the Tarnhelm, Siegfried reappears suddenly before Hagen at Gibichung Hall. Siegfried (to Gutrune) (#169) Bid  me welcome,  Gibich's  child! A goodly herald  I am for you. (#156/#171). Gutrune: (#169) May Freia give  you greeting in honor of all women! Siegfried's  exuberance  is infectious.    867-869

  • [T.2.2: B] Gutrune engages in a catty debate with Siegfried over whether, as a stand-in (in disguise) for her brother Gunther, Siegfried might have been intimate with Bruennhilde.  Siegfried convinces her  otherwise: (#165) Twixt east and west - (#57/#21) the  north: (pointing to his sword) so close  was the distance (#33/#42) between them.   869-872   

  • [T.2.2: C] Siegfried suggests (#103/#168) they get ready to welcome Gunther and Bruennhilde at Gibichung Hall when they arrive. Gutrune: (#171) You, Hagen, lovingly call the menfolk (#169) to Gibich's Garth for the wedding.     873-874

Twilight of the Gods: Act Two, Scene Three       875-882

[T.2.3] Gibichung Hall: Hagen and the Gibichung Vassals        875-882

  • [T.2.3: A] Hagen: (after blowing his cow-horn) (#170) Hoiho! Hoiho! Hoho! You men of Gibich, bestir yourselves. (#5) Woe! Woe! (#5) To arms! To arms! To arms throughout the land! (#171) Goodly weapons! Sturdy weapons! Sharp for the  fray! (#54 - Twilight of the Gods Motif) Danger ("Noth") is here!  Danger! (#54) Woe! Woe! Gibichung vassals:  (#172) Why does the horn ring out?  Why does it call us to battle? What danger ("Noth") is here! Gunther you must welcome: he's wooed a wife for himself. A fearsome woman he's bringing home. Gibichungs: So he triumphed over the danger ("Noth")? Hagen: The Dragon-Killer averted the danger ("Noth"): (#103) Siegfried made sure  he was safe.     875-878 

  • [T.2.3: B] Hagen having reassured them all is well, they ask: What should we do? Hagen: Sacrifice to Wotan, Froh, and Donner, and to Fricka that she will grant a goodly marriage.  Gibichungs: What should we do then? Hagen: Drink yourselves into oblivion!  Gibichungs:  (#168ab) Fair  fortune and  good  now smile on the  Rhine, since Hagen the  grim can make so merry! (#171) He's  been  installed as wedding  herald.    878-882 

Twilight of the Gods: Act Two, Scene Four      883-902

[T.2.4] Gibichung Hall: Hagen, the Gibichung Vassals and  women, Gunther, Bruennhilde, and Siegfried       883-902        

  • [T.2.4: A] Gunther’s Gibichung Vassals sing a deeply impressive chorus of welcome as Gunther and Bruennhilde step off their boat. (#77 Frag/#164) Bruennhilde follows  Gunther pale-faced with downcast eyes. Gunther introduces Bruennhilde to the Gibichungs,  and to Gutrune and -  (#109) Siegfried!     883-884
  • [T.2.4: B] Bruennhilde's overwhelming dismay (#164) is noticed by all. Some Vassals: (#88) What ails her? Bruennhilde: Siegfried  here? Gutrune? Siegfried:  Gunther's gentle sister: wedded to  me, as you are to Gunther. Bruennhilde:  Gunther? You lie!  (#88 - as she nearly faints and is  supported by Siegfried) (#149) Don’t you recognize me, Siegfried? Seeing her Ring on Siegfried's finger, she accuses Gunther of having stolen it. Gunther  is confused. It finally dawns on her that Siegfried stole it. Siegfried: (#164; #15) I recognize clearly (#48) the spoils from the fight which I once won at (#161) Envy-Cave (#59) when slaying the mighty dragon. (#12/#19)   884-889

  • [T.2.4: C] Bruennhilde: (#165/#161) Deceit! (#19) Most shameful deceit! Betrayal! (#170/#164) As never before avenged! Hallowed  gods! (#164) Is this  what you whispered in your council?  Have you caused me (#40) shame  more painful than any yet felt? Now teach me (#19) revenge  as never yet raged!  She accuses Siegfried of rape: (#37) He forced delight from me, and love. Siegfried denies it, invoking  his sword. Bruennhilde describes Nothung as Siegfried's phallus, with which she (#150 - the sword's sheath) has been intimate.   890-894 

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