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Twilight of the Gods: Page 870
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Gutrune: (#42/5 loosely based?:) Didn’t the fire singe him (:#42/#5 loosely based?)?


Siegfried: (#26a?:) It wouldn’t have harmed him either (:#26a?), (#48?:) but I myself passed through it for him (:#48?), (#162 frag; #26a?) (#110 vari [or #145?]) because I wanted to win you (:#110 vari [or #145?]).


Gutrune: But you came through it unscathed?


Siegfried: The flickering flames refreshed me.


Gutrune: (#42/#33b [Norns’ vari?]) Did Bruennhilde take you for my brother?


Siegfried: (#42/#33 >>>:) I resembled him to a hair: the tarnhelm brought that about, as Hagen wisely said it would (:#42/#33b [Norns’ vari?]).


Hagen: (#42/#33 >> :) I gave you good advice.


Gutrune: (#42/#33 >> :) So you overcame the intrepid woman?


Siegfried: (#152:) She yielded to Gunther’s strength (:#152).


Gutrune: (#13/#42 >>: ; #?: [perhaps a hint of the flowing music expressing water cooling Nothung’s molten steel during Siegfried’s forging in S.1.3, and also a hint of Siegfried’s labor as he re-forged Nothung? is there any #121 vari , #122 hint “rigid and stiff”, or #103 frag here?]) And yet she was wed to you?


Siegfried: Bruennhild’ obeyed her husband for the whole of the bridal night (:#13/#42; :#? [Siegfried forging references?]).


Gutrune: (#42?:) But you yourself were deemed her husband (:#42?)?


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