Hagen: (emerging from the back and advancing among the vassals) (#151b vari:) Mark closely now what the woman discloses (:#151b vari)!
Bruennhilde: (trying to regain her composure, while forcibly restraining the most terrible agitation: #50:) A ring I saw upon your hand: - it belongs not to you but was wrested from me (pointing to Gunther) – by this man here! How could you have got the ring from him (:#50)?
Siegfried: (examining the ring on his finger) (#5?:; #12/#154:) I did not get the ring from him (:#5?; :#12/#154). (#12?)
Bruennhilde: (to Gunther: #161/#45:) If you took from me the ring by which I was wed to you, (#19 vari?: [music from “Hagen’s Watch,” T.1.2-3, perhaps the #19 vari “No joyful man shall ever have joy of it”?]) then tell him of your right to it, demand the token back (:#161/#45; :#19 vari? [possible “Hagen’s Watch” reference?])! (#154; #5?; #? [perhaps a little flourish from T.1.2-3?)
Gunther: (in great confusion: (#154 >>:) The ring? (#26a rhythm hint?) I gave him none. – but are you sure that it’s the same (:#154)? (#5?)
Bruennhilde: Where are you hiding the ring that you carried off as your prize?
(#5?:; #12/#154: Thoroughly perplexed, Gunther says nothing. #42 end frag)
Bruennhilde: (Bruennhilde flares up in her rage. #164 inverted vari - as orchestral explosion?) Ha! He it was who wrested the ring away from me: (#17 vari; #7? – as heard in S.2.1 when Alberich feared wotan was going to compete with him to regain the ring from Fafner?) Siegfried, the treacherous thief!
(All look expectantly at Siegfried, who is completely lost in contemplation of the ring: #164 vari [as if influenced by the vocal line of Mime’s offer of food to Siegfried in S.1.1?]; #19 vari)