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Twilight of the Gods: Page 906
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Hagen: (#173 frag:) On Siegfried, who deceived you.


Bruennhilde: (#173 frag:) On Siegfried? … You? (:#173 frag)? (smiling bitterly: #173?) (#150 vari: [perhaps also a reference to #143, from the portion of Bruennhilde’s Siegfried Idyll music in S.3.3 heard when she tells Siegfried that in loving her he should respect what’s hers and leave her alone, or “Leave, oh leave me! Leave me be!,” which may also have been heard on flutes in the transition T.1.2-3? Is there any #149?]) A single glance from his flashing eye (:#150 vari [#143 &/or other s.3.3 reference?]; :#149?) (#154:) which, even through his false disguise [“Luegengestalt”] (:#154), (#?: [#149 or other S.3.3 music heard above when Bruennhilde said: “A single glance from his flashing eye”?]) brightly lighted upon me (:#? [#149 or other s.3.3 reference?]) - (#103:) would make your greatest courage quail (:#103)! (#173)


Hagen: (#173:) Would not his false oath mark him out for my spear (:#173)?


Bruennhilde: (#15 vari:; #173?:) Oaths true or false – an idle concern (:15 vari; :#173?)! (#92) (#15 vari >>: [followed by #13?]) Seek stronger means to arm your spear (#?: [a shortened version of a Rhinedaughter phrase, but what is it?]) if you’d best the strongest of men (:#15 vari; :#13?; :#? [frag of some other Rhinedaughter melody?]) (#167)


Hagen: (#?: [a Loge-esque harmony? Is there any #33, #35, or #36 harmony here?]) How well do I know his conquering strength, (#167?) how hard it would be to kill him in battle (:#? [Loge-related harmony]): (#33a>>: [Norns’ vari?]) so whisper me sound advice and say how the hero may yield to my might (:#33a>> [Norns’ vari?]).


Bruennhilde: (#64 &/or #63? [could this be a musical reference to Siegmund’s remark to Sieglinde in V.1.1: “Cooling comfort came from the spring”?]) O rank ingratitude! Shameful reward [“Lohn”] (:#64 &/or #63? [perhaps V.1.1 Siegmund reference?])! (#23 or #139 or other music associated with Siegfried reaching the crest of Bruennhilde’s rock during the transition S.3.2-3?) ((#@: d or e?) = #150 vari/#15 vari: [spectacularly expressive music!!!]) Not a single art [“Kunst”] was known to me (:(#@: d or e?) = #150 vari/#15 vari) (#?: [This could be an important motival or musical reference: what is it???]) that did not help to keep his body safe (:#? [!!!])! (#141 vari>>:;

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