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Twilight of the Gods: Page 943
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(He seizes the drinking-horn and turns to Gunther with it. He drinks and offers the horn to Gunther. #174a vari; #171 vari)


Siegfried: (#171 vari:) Drink, Gunther, drink! To you your brother brings it (:#171 vari)


(Gunther looks into the horn with horror. #159/#150 [is there any #137 or #164?])


Gunther: (dully: #159:) You’ve mixed it insipid and pale (:#159): (#159/#150? [perhaps #137 or #164?]) (even more subdued: #170a/#164:) your blood alone is in it (:#170a/#164)! (#174a vari)


Siegfried: (laughing: #160 vari:) So mix it with your own (:#160 vari)!


(He pours wine from Gunther’s horn into his own so that it overflows. #171)


Siegfried: (#111 vari: [heard during the bloodbrotherhood oath when Siegfried and Gunther sang “… happy and free … ,” i.e. “froh und frei,” evoking the god Froh and his sister Freia]) Mixed, it’s overflowed (:#111 vari): (#voc?: [what is this???]) to mother earth [“Mutter Erde”] (#156a/#33b [Norns’ vari?]) let it bring refreshment (:#voc???; :#156a/#33b [Norns’ vari?])! (#35 vari/#33b?)


Gunther: (with a deep sigh: #35 vari/#33b?:; #?: [perhaps music from the finale of T.2.5, heard just before #171, possibly #155, 156 or #164?]) You overjoyous hero (:#35/#33b?; :#? [#155, #156, or #164?])! (#42 vari/#33b [Norns’ vari?])


Siegfried: (quietly to Hagen: #42 vari/#33b:) Is Bruennhilde making him brood (:#42 vari/#33b)? (#42 vari/#33b)


Hagen: (quietly to Siegfried: #166 voc?: [with three high notes in the middle of the phrase]) If only he understood her [“Verstuend er sie so gut”] (:#166 voc?) (#174b vari voc?:; (#@: e or f? orch:) [#Motif of Remembrance: Dunning identified this as #139, which is associated in T.1.2 with Siegfried making a toast to his love for, and remembrance of, Bruennhilde, just before drinking Hagen’s potion, which makes Siegfried forget Bruennhilde?]) as you do the singing of birds

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