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Twilight of the Gods: Page 982
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(Bruennhilde is alone in the centre; after remaining lost for some time in contemplation of Siegfried, she now turns to the men and women in a mood of solemn exaltation. #115 “definitive”)


Bruennhilde: (to the vassals: #115 >> :) heavy logs heap up for me here in a pile at the edge of the Rhine. High and bright (:#115) (#35?:) let the flames flare up and (#35:) consume the noble limbs (:#35) (#92/#35:; #4 or 16 hint?:) of the most (#54:) exalted hero (:#92/#35; :#4 or #16 hint?; :#54)! – (#115?:; #77>>>>:) Lead his stallion hither: let it follow the warrior with me (:#115; :#77): (#77?) (#92/#35:; #77>>:) for my own body yearns (:#92/#35) to share in the hero’s (#77>>:; #115:) holiest honor. (#77?) (#115 >> :) Do as Bruennhilde bids (:#115)! (#77?)


(#115: [gradually fades out] During the following, the young men raise a huge funeral pyre outside the hall, near to the bank of the Rhine: women cover it with rugs over which they strew herbs and flowers. #140>>: once again Bruennhilde becomes lost in contemplation of Siegfried’s face. Her features grow increasingly transfigured.)


Bruennhilde: (#140>>: [developed, perhaps as heard when Siegfried tried to persuade the frightened Bruennhilde to grant him her love in S.3.3?]) Purer than sunlight streams the light from his eyes (:#140): (#140: [a vari which seems to express a feeling of doubt]) the purest of men it was who betrayed me (:#140)! (#40: [in a halting vari]) False to his wife (:#40) (#74b: [is this a #24 vari?]) true to his friend (:#74b [is this a #24 vari?]) (#40:) from her who was faithful (:#40) (#140:) she alone who was loyal – (#57) he sundered himself with his sword (:#140). – (#140 voc?: [in a painful vari]; #141 rhythm?:) Never were oaths more nobly sworn (:#140 voc?); (#40 vari:) never were treaties [“Vertraege”] kept more truly (:#40 vari); (#40 vari >> :) never did any man love more loyally (:#40 vari): (#5:) and yet (:#5) (#40:) every oath (:#40), (#5:) every treaty (:#5), (#40 vari:) the truest love (:#40 vari) (#165:) no one betrayed as he did (:#165)! (#88:) Do you know (:#88) (#88 end frag:; #87:) why that was so (:#88 end frag; :#87)? (looking upward: #20(?) vari: [with what seems like a modulation or transition into another segment of #20(?) at “eternal guardian” which is at the end of the phrase in German?]) Oh you, eternal guardians of oaths (:#20(?) vari)! (#37?:) Direct your (#87) gaze on my burgeoning grief (:#37?). (#88:) Behold your (:#88) (#87?:) eternal guilt (:#87?)! (#87?) (#96:) Hear my lament (:#96) (#87:) most mighty

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